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Used Prius Hybrid

Used Prius hybrid cars are a real bargain when compared with buying new Toyota Prius. You may have done the math and decided that a new hybrid is out of your budget, but a used Prius hybrid will most likely fit into your budget.

A used prius hybrid still gets 60 MPG in the city and 50 miles per gallon on the highway. In Canada and the UK those number are mor like 71 MPG city because they use the imperial gallon which is slightly larger than a US gallon of fuel.

Start right now and reduce your carbon footprint by switching to a fuel efficient used Prius.

Used Prius's For Sale

Tips on Buying a Used Prius

Shipping Your Used Prius

When buying a used prius you need to think about transportation because not all of the cars are going to be listed in your local area. And by transportation I mean how are you going to ship or drive the vehicle home.

Checking For Liens

A lot of used cars can have loans on them that the current owner is still paying off. If the used prius has a loan against it you will need to have that loan discharged. You can check with your local bank for information



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